
June 19 2024

Renewal of the EOCCS certification!

We are proud to inform you that DOBA Business School has once again been awarded the prestigious EOCCS certification by the European Foundation for Management Development (EFMD) for quality of online learning at business schools. This further strengthens our position as the leading online school in Slovenia and SE Europe. It also confirms that we continue to provide our students with high-quality online learning in line with the highest international standards.

In the company of the most prestigious schools
This certification places DOBA Business School alongside the most prestigious European business schools such as Politecnico di Milano School of Management, Rome Business School, EAE Business School Spain, UPF Barcelona School of Management, University of Liverpool – Management School and others, which attest to the quality of online learning with this certification.
Acting Dean of DOBA Business School, Prof. Dr Boris Cizelj, said on this occasion: “The extension of the EOCCS certification is a recognition of excellence for DOBA Business School and its long-standing quality work in online learning. DOBA Business School is proud of its story, and this achievement is both a recognition of our efforts and a commitment to further innovative development in the field of online learning in business schools.

Our innovative approaches are among the best and most ambitious in the world
The quality assessment and the achievement of the ECCS standards of the DOBA online learning model were carried out for the master’s courses in Creative Human Resource Management for Competitive Advantages, Research Methodology, and Communication and Lobbying. In May, the review panel, comprising distinguished members of renowned international schools, assessed the achieving of quality standards in online learning at DOBA Business School. They interviewed 14 stakeholders of the school, representatives of the school’s management, academic and professional staff, students, and graduates.
In their report, the review panel specifically highlighted the qualitative aspects of online learning – the interactive elements in the implementation of courses, the excellent teamwork and interactions, the appropriate assessment methods and the provision of targeted feedback, the interaction between students, professors and online tutors, the excellent student support, and the varied use of mobile resources. All this proves that, with its innovative approaches, DOBA Business School is one of the leading and most ambitious providers of online learning in the world.

More about the international certification system
The EOCCS (EFMD Online Course Certification System) is an international certification awarded by the European Foundation for Management Development (EFMD). It focuses on the quality of delivering online learning for business education. The EOCCS criteria are in line with the strict philosophy of EFMD international certification systems such as EQUIS and EPAS. The criteria focus on the comprehensive institutional context of online learning, programme and course structure, educational content, pedagogical approaches to online learning, the achieving of learning outcomes, support and care for student development, ties with the community, internationalisation, and sustainability and quality assurance and monitoring.

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