
July 14 2022

DOBA Business School is a partner in FinPower project

DOBA Business School is a partner in the two-year FinPower project that aims to strengthen sustainable financial literacy of women. The project starts on 1 October 2022.

Full name of the project: Empowering women in sustainable finance through micro learning

In addition to the lead partners, FH Joanneum from Austria, the project involves 6 other partner institutions from Italy, Lithuania, Portugal, Romania and Slovenia.

The FinPower project aims to strengthen sustainable financial literacy of women. The knowledge gained in the field of sustainable finance will strengthen women’s confidence and trust in their financial capabilities. Financial literacy is essential for economic and financial stability and development. In the EU, there is still a large gap between women and men in financial literacy, putting women at a potential disadvantage. The main objective of the project is therefore to improve women’s financial literacy, including new developments affecting this area (sustainability, virtual means of payment, cryptocurrencies, etc.). In order to achieve the main objective of the project, the project will first identify the main gaps in competencies related to sustainable finance and specific training needs of women. It will define a competence matrix, set up an academy for sustainable finance, and develop guidelines for policy makers.

To ensure the quality and sustainability of the project outputs, the sustainable finance academy will also implement a pilot training programme for women and interested coaches from adult education and training centres in all project partner countries. The aim is to transfer knowledge on sustainable finance to at least 210 women and 30 coaches from adult education and training centres during the project. So as to facilitate the understanding of the materials, the training will be divided into microlearning units.


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