The monograph accompanies the joint project which has been implemented by DOBA Business School, the School of Journalism and Public Relations from Macedonia, and the Istanbul University from Turkey and financed by Erasmus+ – development of a joint ...
The Marketing Excellence award is awarded to the best marketing-oriented companies or organisations which live and breathe marketing in all aspects of their operations and in which marketing is the main driving force behind good business results.
We ...
We have been cooperating with the Dutch university for two years in the context of a virtual mobility project. The time finally came to meet the participating teacher face-to-face. We were visited by Marijke Boven, teacher and advisor at NHL Stenden ...
This year’s first volume of the Journal of Innovative Business and Management carries a special meaning for our school: it marks the first decade of the journal.
The third conference on circular change will be held in Kostanjevica na Krki and in Maribor on 10 and 11 May 2018. The conference will focus on circular stories of the most visionary personalities, the real driving forces of circular transformation, it ...
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