Innovation and Sustainable Business Management in Digital Society

Doctoral Programme

Innovation and Sustainable Business Management in Digital Society

With its knowledge triangle, the doctoral programme offered by DOBA Business School compares to the best programmes in Europe. The programme is distinguished by its unique mode of implementation, as it is implemented fully online and is as such the only online doctoral programme in Southeast Europe. DOBA Business School holds two international accreditations for the implementation of online learning. The modern design and modular structure ensure that professional, methodological, and research content intertwines within individual content units while providing the required basis for independent work on the doctoral dissertation. The implementation of the programme enables individualisation and personalisation with the help of professors and researchers from DOBA Business School and renowned experts from other institutions. The programme offers a comprehensive and interdisciplinary view of innovation and sustainable business management that can be applied to numerous research challenges from various fields. It will equip you with the required knowledge for solving even the most complex theoretical and practical problems in the field of innovation and sustainable business management and for effectively transferring new knowledge to companies and organisations with an emphasis on the digitalisation of solutions.

Advantages of the doctoral programme at DOBA Business School

Unique content

Unique content

The doctoral programme offered by DOBA Business School builds on the knowledge triangle, connecting education, science, and innovation. The programme is also distinguished by its unique mode of implementation.
Online learning

Online learning

Online learning enables complete flexibility, 24/7 accessibility, and constant support by teachers and tutors. Despite the lack of physical contact, online learning is dynamic and interactive.
Modular implementation

Modular implementation

The modular structure ensures that professional, methodological, and research content intertwine within individual content units, providing the basis for independent work on the doctoral dissertation.
Shaping your own original contribution

Shaping your own original contribution

Independent, critical, and reflexive analysis, and assessment of information, phenomena, processes, practices, and trends will allow you to shape your own original contribution to science.

The Structure of the Doctoral Programme

1st Year
2nd Year
3rd Year
Compulsory Courses
Research proposal preparation seminar


  • The structure of a doctoral dissertation and general principles to design/organise particular chapters of a doctoral dissertation.
  • Ethics and ethical principles in research and reporting the research results.
  • Presentation and defence of the first draft of the doctoral dissertation with an emphasis on the analysis of results and the main findings; based on the received feedback from colleagues, supervisors and teachers, students proceed to prepare the final draft of the doctoral dissertation.
  • Presentation and defence of the final draft of the doctoral dissertation with an emphasis on critical interpretation of results and formulating conclusions; based on the received feedback from colleagues, supervisors and teachers, students prepare the final version of the doctoral dissertation.

Learning outcomes

Students will be:

  • able to prepare a systematic and holistic literature overview of the chosen research area of interest;
  • able to search, evaluate and select relevant scientific literature sources;
  • able to recognise, define and properly justify the original scientific problem, which is based on the identified gaps in existing knowledge;
  • able to properly operationalise the selected research problem in the form of research goals, research questions and hypotheses as well as to anticipate suitable methodological approaches to analyse and solve the research problem;
  • able to prepare a comprehensive and high-quality doctoral research proposal.
Technological, social and economic sustainable challenges

Objectives of the course

The course should provide thinkers, researchers and decision-makers with a synthesized overview of state of the arts in interdependent fields of technology change, globalization and business change plus social change. In this way, it should foster their holistic approach with their further research with their doctoral thesis. It should enable students to step into the world of globalization and its complexity in an organized manner.

The course is not oriented to provide students with encyclopaedic knowledge but to bring chosen topics of technology development, globalization and social change into their curiosity and research focus.


Learning outcomes

The course will enable students to learn the possible approach for organized entrance into the field of globalization – why it occurred, and which are its consequences for business and social change. They will understand the key connections between three categories forming the course: technology development, globalization and social change. They will distinguish between aims, fields and measures that are national policy competence and those that are defined by globalization development. They will understand dimensions and consequences of globalization as well as its limits. Students will be able to critically assess and undertake an analysis of complex or contradictory areas of economic knowledge and communicate the outcome effectively. They will be able to critically synthesise information in a manner that may be innovative, utilising knowledge or processes from the discipline. They will also be able to analyse different circular business models and undertake a systematic analysis of the various countries, companies, and sectors, the opportunities of circular economy, to identify the barriers that restrict opportunities and analyse the various policies to overcome these barriers. Furthermore, they will be able to analyse activities to achieve sustainable development of the company and prepare an example of the strategic response to achieve sustainable development.

Fundamental aspects of research work

Objectives of the course

Instructing students on strategies of data retrieval in quantitative and qualitative research methods and approaches.

Enabling students for creative and efficient scientific research work and selection of the most appropriate data collection method based on the set goals, purpose and research questions.

Developing students’ ability to effectively evaluate their research and scientific research papers and other published materials in terms of methodology and interpretation.

Learning outcomes

Students will prove the quality of the achieved competences by designing and implementing quantitative and qualitative research work within assignments for this and other courses of the doctoral programme or within the doctoral thesis as well as well as with professional and scientific publishing. Carrying out the research, they will understand how to critically evaluate the validity and usefulness of the collected data, they will be able to use and combine various research methods and will understand the importance of social science research in modern societies.

Individual work 1: research topic and research proposal draft

Content being prepared

Compulsory Courses
Selected chapters in strategic management and innovation

Objectives of the course

  • Knowledge and understanding of contemporary theories and the latest literature in the field of strategic management and leadership of organizations.
  • Knowledge and understanding of the goals and activities of strategic and operational management, including the use of concepts and methodologies in a specific organizational environment.
  • Knowledge and understanding of the latest literature in the field of promoting creativity, economics of innovation and technological change, protection of intellectual property rights and research and development activities.
  • Knowledge and understanding of concrete case studies in connection with modern innovation systems and processes, protection of intellectual property rights and technological trends at the global, European, national and regional levels.
  • Critical assessment of theories, policies and concrete case studies in the field of strategic innovation management.

Learning outcomes

  • Students will be able to understand the challenges of strategic planning in the unpredictable circumstances that characterize modern organizations.
  • Students will be familiar with modern methodologies for preparation, implementation and evaluation of strategic planning.
  • Students will be able to independently perform research tasks in the field of strategic leadership and management.
  • Students will understand comprehensive social processes in the areas of innovation, technology, research and development and business models.
  • Students will be familiar with the basics of intellectual property rights, their valuation and management.
  • Students will be able to critically evaluate innovation policies and the innovation environment at global, European and national levels.
Advanced aspects of research work

Objectives of the course

Instructing students on strategies of adequate advanced quantitative and qualitative research methods and approaches.

Enabling students for creative and efficient scientific research work and selection of the most appropriate advanced research method based on the set goals, purpose, and research questions.

Developing students’ ability to critically and effectively evaluate their research and scientific research papers and other published materials in terms of methodology and interpretation.

Learning outcomes

Students will:

  • Prove the quality of the achieved competencies by designing and implementing quantitative and qualitative research work.
  • Be able to use various advanced quantitative and qualitative data analysis approaches and methods.
  • Be familiar with and able to use software for advanced data analysis.
  • Gain a full understanding of the importance of social science research based on advanced research methods in modern societies.


Paper for a scientific conference

Objectives of the course

  • To acquaint students with independent preparation of scientific and professional papers and contributions for publication in scientific and professional journals and in conference proceedings and develop the ability of effective implementation of public presentations at conferences.


Learning outcomes

The result of the activities performed in the course is a scientific article/contribution according to the IMRAD scheme. The student will submit the article to the selected scientific conference, present the paper publicly at the scientific conference, and publish it in the conference proceedings.

Individual work 2: research proposal

Content being prepared

Compulsory Courses
Dissertation preparation seminar


  • Guidelines for comprehensive literature review, search and evaluation of relevant expert/scientific literature sources.
  • Guidelines for choosing a proper research topic and for defining a suitable research problem for the doctoral dissertation.
  • Structure and specific elements of a research proposal and guidelines for setting up a proper research proposal of a doctoral dissertation.
  • Formulation of research questions and hypotheses in line with the defined research problem and the purpose and goals of the doctoral dissertation.
  • Preparing a seminar which includes an overview of the chosen research area (theoretical background and current research findings) and argumentation of the doctoral research topic; students defend their research topics in front of colleagues, supervisors and teachers (based on the received feedback, students prepare the first draft of the doctoral research proposal).
  • Presentation and defence of the first draft of the doctoral research proposal in front of colleagues, supervisors and teachers (based on the received feedback, students prepare the final version of the doctoral research proposal).


Learning outcomes

Students will be:

  • able to profoundly analyse the data and to systematically and transparently present (describe) the key results of the doctoral dissertation;
  • able to comprehensively interpret, synthesise and critically evaluate the results, to link them with the existing knowledge and to meaningfully put them in a broader conceptual context;
  • able to critically reflect on the main conclusions of the doctoral dissertation, to present and justify the solutions of the scientific problem being investigated, and to articulate the original contribution and its implications to further development of science;
  • able to prepare a comprehensive and high-quality doctoral dissertation.


Individual work 3: dissertation and defence

Content being prepared

Courses are not implemented in the order specified on the web site. The curriculum includes the amendments to the study programme adopted by the Senate on 20 January 2022 and applies to students enrolling in the study programme for the first time in the 2022/2023 academic year. For students enrolled in the study programme by and including the 2021/2022 academic year, the curriculum and conditions applicable at the time of enrolment apply, provided that students regularly progress in the programme.”  The studies under this program can be completed by no later than September 30, 2026.

Tibor Tenji,

Doctoral student
The advanced innovative culture of Slovenia's developed industries and renowned companies, I would encourage any candidate who wants to reach Pinnacle in innovation studies to choose the prestigious Slovenian Faculty, DOBA.

Tibor Tenji,

Doctoral student
The advanced innovative culture of Slovenia's developed industries and renowned companies, I would encourage any candidate who wants to reach Pinnacle in innovation studies to choose the prestigious Slovenian Faculty, DOBA.

Unique implementation of the programme

The doctoral programme will be implemented in accordance with the online learning model developed at DOBA Business School. Study activities will be based on modern pedagogical approaches which facilitate active learning. It will be based on interaction with higher education teachers and fellow students. Organised study activities will take place in the form of webinars, guided forum discussions, and individual presentations. Emphasis will be placed on in-depth study of literature and on independent individual work as well as on one-on-one consultations with higher education teachers and tutors.

The study process will be greatly individualised. Students’ work in professional and methodological and research courses will focus on in-depth study of content which is relevant to the preparation of the doctoral dissertation. Studies will be based on the student’s independent work, on a problem and research-focused approach, and on substantiated professional discussion with higher education teachers in connection with key challenges, questions, and professional dilemmas.

All course activities will be ICT-supported and take place in the Blackboard virtual learning environment. The Blackboard virtual learning environment supports the study process. It offers integrated learning, communication, and evaluation tools which enable a clear structuring of content and study activities and simple navigation and support numerous types of interaction.
Who is the programme intended for
Admission requirements
Enrolment and tuition fee

The doctoral programme offered by DOBA Business School is intended for individuals who wish to develop their academic career or be active in research organisations, as well as for individuals wishing to work in research centres/departments within companies or in excellence centres which represent a link between the economy and the academic sphere and which focus on facilitating the concentration of knowledge in priority areas.

The programme is intended for individuals with an affinity for autonomous scientific and research work and for the solving of complex theoretical and practical problems from the field of innovation and sustainable business management and for those who wish to successfully implement new knowledge and solutions and thus contribute to economic development and social progress.

As innovation is not exclusively linked only to entrepreneurship and since especially innovation directed towards the development of new services, new management systems or new organisation processes is increasingly present also in the public sector and non-profit and other organisations, the doctoral programme is appropriate for a wide range of experts. The interdisciplinary view of the concept of innovation and sustainable business management can be applied to numerous research challenges that concern diverse fields and disciplines such as business sciences, economics, medicine and healthcare, marketing, education, social activities, and others.

The doctoral programme implemented by DOBA Business School is based on scientific research work at the highest level with the objective of developing new knowledge and solutions and further development of science and the society.

Admission requirements are met by candidates who have completed

  • A second cycle study programme,
  • A study programme leading to a university degree, which was adopted prior to 11 June 2004,
  • A study programme leading to specialisation provided you have previously completed a higher professional study programme and if you complete additional study obligations worth from 30 to 60 credits,
  • A study programme educating for professions regulated by EU directives or another unified masters study programme comprising 300 credits.

Direct enrolment into the second year – continuation of studies according to the transfer criteria

  • You can enrol in the second year of studies if you have completed a Master of Science or specialisation study programme (adopted prior to 11 June 2004).

Candidates for enrolment in the doctoral study programme who do not have an education in economic sciences or do not provide proof of having fundamental economic knowledge obtained through non-formal education and/or experiential learning have to take bridge exams totalling 12 to 18 credits.

Fluency in English is required for enrolment. Organised forms of studies will take place in English and independent and individual work and the doctoral dissertation in English.

Application and enrolment:

The number of enrolment slots for the doctoral programme is limited. There are 20 enrolment slots available.

  • In order to enrol in the doctoral study programme, fill in the enrolment application (respect the deadlines), attach the required certificates, and send them to the school’s address.
  • The following certificates must be attached to the enrolment application:
    • A certified copy of your diploma or certificate of graduation in a Bachelor and Master’s programme (DOBA Business School graduates do not need to provide a certified copy, a regular copy suffices)
    • Certificate of average grades in the Bachelor and Master’s programme and the grade for the diploma/master’s thesis (we will obtain data for DOBA Business School graduates ourselves)
    • Decision on the recognition of foreign education if the candidate completed the Bachelor and/or Master’s programme abroad
    • CV in English (e.g. EUROPASS)
    • Bibliography (list of published professional and scientific papers, monographic publications, and other work)
    • Certificate of fluency in English (at least B2)
    • Motivation letter in English - template
    • Research plan in English - template

Criteria in the event of enrolment restrictions:

If a decision on limited enrolment is adopted, the candidates will be chosen with regard to the following criteria:

  • Previous study achievements (average grade for the courses, grade for the diploma/master’s thesis) – 30%
  • Previous scientific and research work (studies, papers, etc.) in the field of the doctoral programme – 35%
  • Motivation letter and interview with the candidate – 35%

Available thesis supervisors for the preparation of the doctoral dissertation:

Full Professor Dr Rasto Ovin; fields of expertise: macroeconomics, economic policy, banking, economic trends
Associate Professor Dr Anita Maček; fields of expertise: microeconomics, macroeconomics, economics, economic policy, international economics
Associate Professor Dr Tina Vukasović; fields of expertise: marketing, strategic marketing, international marketing, market research, brand management, consumer behaviour and consumer behaviour research
Associate Professor Dr Valentina Prevolnik Rupel; fields of expertise: health economics, healthcare financing and organisation, healthcare systems, quality of life
Assoc. Prof. Dr Marina Letonja: (family) entrepreneurship, innovation management
Assistant Professor Dr Tomaž Klobučar; fields of expertise: computer and Information science, technologies in education
Assist. Prof. Dr Živa Veingerl Čič: human resources management, employee development
Assist. Prof. Dr Marko Divjak: general psychology, positive psychology
Assist. Prof. Dr Ana Hafner: innovations, strategic and innovation management, intellectual property
Full Prof. Dr Mirjana Pejić Bach: information science, digitalisation, digital transformation
Assoc. Prof. Dr Daša Grajfoner: psychology of leadership, coaching psychology



Upon the first enrolment in the first, second or third year and upon repeating any of the years of study, the Student shall pay the tuition fees for that year. In the third year, the Student shall also pay the graduation fee.

One-off payment of the tuition fees / student as a private payer
In the 2025/2026 academic year, the one-off payment of the tuition fees amounts to EUR 4.700.00, for DF graduates EUR 3.900.00 for one study year. The tuition fees must be paid at the latest by the deadline specified at the time of enrolment.

Instalment payments of the tuition fees / student as a private payer
The payment of tuition fees for one year may be divided into a maximum of 8 instalments. The instalment in the 2025/2026 academic year is EUR 599.00, for DF graduates EUR 499.00 and must be paid upon enrolment. All other instalments are payable by e-payment order by the 20th day of the month (starting from October 2025 onwards).

Payment of the tuition fees when the company is the payer of the full amount or part of the tuition fees
If the payer of the tuition fees is a company, the latter shall pay the tuition fees in line with the filled in Payer’s Statement form, which is attached to the Agreement.

DOBA Business School shall as a rule harmonise the amount of the instalments three times a year in accordance with the annual rate of increase in consumer prices in the Republic of Slovenia, whereby for first enrolment, the prices as set at the time of the conclusion of the Agreement shall apply for the first three months. DOBA Business School shall charge the Student the payment of the tuition fees for enrolment in every subsequent year and all other study fees (graduation fee, etc) according to the price list adopted by the Management Board of DOBA Business School, as a rule every January for the next academic year.

In addition to the high-quality study process, your investment includes an above-standard implementation of the study programme

  • Initial training (introductory day and introductory week) for a successful start to your studies: getting to know the information technology supporting the study process, strategies and techniques for successful (online) learning and studying, netiquette, cognitive styles
  • Access to the portal offering students e-transcript, e-student administration, which enables online registering for exams, online ordering of certificates, access to timetables, text-message notifications sent to students, e-material that has been prepared by DOBA Business School for courses in an individual study programme
  • Access to and use of the media corner in the virtual learning environment, including access to the e-library, Slovene and international online newspapers and portals, journals in Slovene and other languages, databases
  • Processing of requests by the Student Affairs Committee
  • Tutorship and personal tutorship during your studies, technical support
  • Cooperation of visiting experts, professionals with practical experience in various fields
  • Microsoft Office 365
  • Taking of exams three times
  • Services provided by the Competence Centre
  • Targeted organised events in the context of the Career Centre which are aimed at helping you enter the labour market and plan your career
  • Membership fee for the library
International Open Day
International Open Day
Apply to DOBA
Apply to DOBA